How can my teen think of a business idea?

There are limitless business ideas for teens in the world. It’s important to have your teen think of an idea that energizes them to put forth their full energy every day. Do not discourage your teen from any idea that you might see as being impossible. Instead, let them naturally figure this out during the building process and learn how to pivot to something more attainable. It’s more powerful for a teen to learn entrepreneurship through experience than to be lectured by an adult.
Kid Entrepreneurship has developed the following steps for helping your teen think of a business idea. We focus on different areas for stimulating a teen’s creativity. These areas include passions, life experiences, everyday problems, and tragedies.
How can my teen think of a business idea?
What are your teen’s favorite activities?
Whether is dancing, surfing, chess, or video games, let them name off all the different activities they enjoy. All activities should be accepted. Don’t jump ahead and turn down an activity because you believe that it will not be successful.
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From the above activities, which one does your teen find the most enjoyable?
Try to have your teen only choose one activity. If they decide they want to change their mind in the future, they can always revert back to another activity they previously chose.
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How can my teen think of a business idea?

What are the top reasons your teen enjoys this activity?
Does your teen enjoy being with their friends during this activity? Do they excel in this activity because it feels natural? Does the activity make them feel energized if they were bored?
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From the above, have your teen choose their top enjoyment.
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What are the top things your teen dislikes about the activity?
Can you not start the activity unless you have a certain amount of people? Does the activity require batteries? Does the activity require you to wear uncomfortable clothing?
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From the above, have your teen choose their top dislike.
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How can my teen think of a business idea?

What are things that could increase that top enjoyment?
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What are things that can decrease that top dislike?
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How can my teen think of a business idea?
Can each increase be replicated for others? How?
Can each decrease be replicated for others? How?

How can my teen think of a business idea?

Can you charge money for this increase? How?
Can you charge money for this decrease? How?
How can my teen think of a business idea?

Final Business Idea
From the above business ideas, have your teen choose their favorite and summarize it below. What is the activity?
What will they do to make this activity more enjoyable? How will they replicate this improvement? How will they charge money?